Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy 13 Years, Honey!

Chad and I are celebrating our anniversary this month. I'm so thankful for a Godly man to share my life with.

I'm currently doing the Beth Moore Bible Study, Believing God. It's just fantastic and is requiring us to look back over our lives and answer some really tough questions. Sometimes things that we don't always want to remember. Well, one thing the Lord revealed to me this week through the study was how His hand was all over guiding me to Chad, my greatest treasure.

I'm so thankful that the Lord kept both of our hearts forgiving toward each other as we dated and led us to move on together and eventually get married. It's just amazing to me when I think back on how we met in HEB one day, became friends, and now we've been married 13 years, have four kids, and are serving the Lord as a family. I'm so blessed!

A few days ago, Chad and I were discussing our businesses, and he said to me... "Don't you see it, Baby? Together we're unstoppable". I loved hearing those words, and believe them. Thank you, Chad, for being my life's BEST decision! Well, besides following the Lord, but that goes without saying!


Having It All said...

Happy Anniversary! I'd love to hear how y'all met in HEB!