Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Six Flags for Cort

This is sweet little five year old boy. He is 100% boy always, all the time. He loves to play sports, watch sports, and I'm sure he sometimes just thinks sports. On the soccer field, he has no regard for the feelings of any player around him. It's just give me the ball and move, or I'll assist you with moving. Same with tball. He's decided that he's no longer playing tball because he wants to hit a "real ball" at a "real pitcher".

He's also very much a middle child. He is very go with the flow,which is a great quality to have in a big family. The only problem is, I'm afraid sometimes that causes him to get overlooked. He's one of those kids that I lay down in bed at night and think..did I give Cort enough attention today. Most days, he just doesn't require it. He doesn't ask for things over and over, he doesn't complain, and he's almost silent in the car. Just a pretty easy kid.

Cort doesn't seem to be the child that gets many invitations to do fun things. I'm sure it's alot because of his age. He's still so young. He watches his sisters get invited with friends to cool places almost daily while he just sticks with me. Well, Tuesday he got the BEST invitation of the summer. He was invited to go to Six Flags with the Heltons.

Now, there are very few people I'd send my five year old off to Six Flags with. Julie Helton has been one of my dearest friends here in Waco for about 12 years, so I had complete confidence in her watching out for my little middle child. We've not taken Cort to Six Flags as a family, so I had no idea how he'd do on rides. I assumed that given his total boyish nature and his " I am invincible" attitude, he'd be on any ride they would let him ride... WELL..... Let this picture be an indicator of how he did on Tuesday at his first visit to Six Flags.

Notice his clutching the handle while all of the other little girls are just sitting back relaxing. He was SCARED to death! Bless Darrell and Julie for sitting off of the "big" rides with Cort while the other kids rode! Amazingly enough, he had a fantastic time and is asking to go again. Blessings to the Heltons for giving my son such a sweet opportunity. I'm sad I missed it!


Rose said...

Aww! Sweet little Cort!

Shelly said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog, and welcome to the blogging world:)
I'll have to add your link to my blog!

Kylie said...

oh bless his heart! :) Hudson is so energetic and grown up in many ways and tough boy through and through but I was sitting here thinking before I got to the end of your post how I feel like Six Flags will really scare him the first time he goes! :)It took him 6 or 7 times at the Jumping Party to go down the biggest slide by himself. You just never know with these boys!!

Anonymous said...

How precious!!!!